Sunday, January 11, 2015

Memorial service tonight at Lincoln Sq. Synagogue, 7:30 PM

One of our co-congregants mentioned this in shul yesterday, but the only place on the internet where I found confirmation was here.  It's a good thing I have a BA in French.

New York
. . .
Dimanche 11 janvier, la Lincoln Square Synagogue (180 Amsterdam Ave) dans l’Upper West Side tiendra une prière pour les victimes à 19h30.
Sunday, January 11, Lincoln Square Synagogue (180 Amsterdam Ave) on the Upper West Side will have a prayer for the victims at 7:30 PM."

Four murdered in a kosher supermarket in Paris, in addition to those murdered in Paris at the Charlie Hebdo satire publication, all killed by Muslim terrorists.  Nowadays, even writing and food shopping can be deadly pursuits.  :(


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